ppzcgg2006-04-14 22:42:28
想给台早两年的手提加wireless card。有没有什么特别值得注意的地方?兼容protocol a,b 有多重要?如果日后加 router 的话,有没有哪个 wireless card 牌子/型号可能到时候不方便的情况?谢了!
PantyM2006-04-14 23:12:37
未来生产的router肯定也要兼顾到现在的g standard..
ppzcgg2006-04-14 23:19:19
ppzcgg2006-04-16 06:55:22
that is about every brand, isn't it? Haha. Any
DAISY1232006-04-16 11:27:04
回复:问:外接 wireless card
ppzcgg2006-04-16 22:08:10
you are making the choice harder for me! :) I'd hope
ppzcgg2006-04-17 19:16:16
good to know!