samnut2006-04-28 19:23:16
My dad brought his laptop from Shenzhen, loaded with Window XP simplified Chinese, of course. Last month somebody accidentally deleted some of the software under Windows in C drive, after that he can never get it started again. Each time when he turns it on, it tells us to “install DLL file”. A friend gave me a copy of the Window XP installation CD, which is supposed to repair/install the lost DLL files, according to him, but it didn’t work out (because it’s a different version – traditional Chinese? I guess.)
Can anyone tell me what we can do now? We’d greatly appreciate your help.
my English blog
爱我家2006-04-28 19:37:21
check my reply in 家坛.
毛坛老看客2006-04-28 23:03:17
reinstall windows
Silverbullet2006-04-29 01:10:14
回复: 请教各位高手, We need help!!