samuel2006-05-01 16:55:01
bmw325i2006-05-01 17:15:45
回复:I am begging a 30% off dell coupon. Thanks
samuel2006-05-01 17:34:13
Thanks, man! BTW, how abt your 325i?
SAMUEL2006-05-01 17:44:02
I just ckecked the detail, AXIM not included?
bmw325i2006-05-01 18:43:58
yeah, just hav window fixed.will send u all my coupon later
SAMUEL2006-05-01 18:55:48
yeah, german cars are money-eater.
BMW325I2006-05-01 19:57:52
回复:I just ckecked the detail, AXIM not included?
SAMUEL2006-05-01 21:15:56
each coupon goes with a description
BMW325I2006-05-01 21:44:08
回复:each coupon goes with a description