Dr-Doctor2003-11-27 19:10:00
The price for laptop now is really cheap.

The price for the laptop I have ordered fron dell company by phone sounds like a good deal.

I think it is 2400, the basic price is only S 499. With upgrade from ram, from 128 ram to 256, I had to pay another 70 bucks or so. I also bought a 4 yr warranty with $130 some bucks and a cable.

I will get free printer with copy function, a Kodaka digital camera and a 6 month free AOL.

The local stores also sell the laptop with very good price, less than 600 dollars for one. Usually they sell them over 1000 bucks for one.

So it may be a good time to buy computers.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

贴图帮助2003-11-27 19:53:00
English your awesome very is
hamburg2003-11-27 20:20:00
俺只能说:“最好不要用AOL,尤其是它的dial up"
Dr-Doctor2003-11-27 20:27:00
right! I am using cable now.
Dr-Doctor2003-11-27 20:43:00
R U laughing at my English?
Dr-Doctor2003-11-27 20:45:00
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
hamburg2003-11-27 21:10:00
Dr-Doctor2003-11-27 21:11:00
see my english will get better
hamburg2003-11-27 21:14:00
Too_late2003-11-27 23:05:00
You did a stupid thing
从头翻到尾了2003-11-27 23:09:00
Dr-Doctor2003-11-27 23:28:00
This is not my first time~
Dr-Doctor2003-11-27 23:30:00
call 1-800-www-dell
desktop!2003-11-27 23:41:00
2400 is not a laptop, it is a
谢谢.不用再浪费时间2003-11-28 00:04:00
这位自称的doctor 真的糊涂得可以!怪不得我总找不到。
laptop!2003-11-28 00:13:00
Are you sure you are getting a
知错未为晚也2003-11-28 00:23:00
回复:This is not my first time~
Dr-Doctor2003-11-28 00:28:00
I'm not very sure about it now
Dr-Doctor2003-11-28 00:31:00
I am always 糊涂得可以!~~~~~~
latex2003-11-28 03:49:00
保险得很呀∶)2003-11-28 04:18:00
bmw325i2003-11-28 04:39:00
bmw325i2003-11-28 04:41:00
的服差了很多。2003-11-28 07:32:00
puma_bill2003-11-28 08:11:00
回复:I am always 糊涂得可以!~~~~~~
puma_bill2003-11-28 08:14:00
dell is best
DELL下三烂2003-11-28 17:31:00
Dr-Doctor2003-11-28 18:28:00
I am always 糊涂得可以!~~~~~~
jimprn2003-11-29 23:04:00
So why didn't you write that