eBlazer2006-06-22 18:25:59

谢谢大家的帮忙, 昨天的问题有了一些进展, 但还没完全解决.

刚才发了3次没发出去, 可能有禁字, 现在只能简单说说.

目前的情况是电脑A可以连上网, 电脑B不行, 而且连192.168.1.1都进不去. 路由器肯定是好的, 指示灯都正常.

ChiChiTown2006-06-22 18:54:57
回复:Linksys 路由器 (重贴)
rerre2006-06-22 20:17:29
I had the same problem a few days ago
eBlazer2006-06-22 20:37:29
回复:I had the same problem a few days ago
eBlazer2006-06-22 20:38:52
回复:I had the same problem a few days ago
eBlazer2006-06-22 20:42:49
回复:回复:Linksys 路由器 (重贴)
蹲湖龙2006-06-22 21:22:59
rerre2006-06-22 22:41:52
How about connect only the 2nd PC?