I have a laptop from Toshiba. SUddenly, my Cdrom is broken and windows Xp would not start. I tried to install it again through many method including RIS , local install(copy files to HD and run install there.) No matter what I do, (I even changed the harddrive ), windows XP will fail to start.
So I plug my HD into my another Dell lapttop and installed Fedora Core 5. It worked . When installation finished and it prompted me to reboot, I pluged this HD into my TOshiba, and FC5 was able to get everything(Drivers) correctly and Ehernet and wireless are ready!
So I yum installed open office and other good stuff. It can live without CDROM!
The mystery is why Windows XP failed but Linux rocks? If Linux does not have drivers , I can understand, it is Windows XP failed me.
Go Fedora!
(The only thing I need to figure out is the Sony camcorder. Digital camera works in Linux with free software!)