真源湛寂2006-08-01 17:44:03
http://www.webthang.co.uk/Tuts/tuts_server/iis_xph/pippo_xp.asp Use my advice at your own risk!
Please be aware that any my advice may be inaccurate, misleading, dangerous, misspelled or illegal.
My advice is not uniformly peer reviewed; while readers may correct errors or remove erroneous suggestions, they have no legal duty to do so, and thus all my advice read here is without any implied warranty of fitness for any purpose or use whatsoever.
Do not rely upon any information i have given to you without independent verification.

tty2006-08-01 17:53:21
没iis不容易玩asp.net 2.0,呵呵 apache这方面是个瘸夯
FotherMucker2006-08-01 18:08:07
我还从来没用过ASP,一直是AMP(apache, mysql, php)觉得
德州老外2006-08-01 18:56:52
asp.net 2.0 apache 一样玩啊