德州老外2006-08-03 01:13:39
What’s next: Warning stickers to keep desktops off desks?

The new Apple MacBooks include a warning in manual advising customers not to use their laptops on their laps:

“Do not leave the bottom of your MacBook Pro in contact with your lap or any surface of your body for extended periods. Prolonged contact with your body could cause discomfort and potentially a burn”

According to Engadget, Apple’s s recommends that customers put the computer on a desk or other flat surface. Engadget also notes that the word “laptop” does not appear once in the MacBook’s manual.

Reviewing these guidelines on the Apple website one also sees the to-be-expected “don’t blame us/don’t sue us” legalese:

“Apple portable computers comply with temperature limits set in national and international safety standards when used in accordance with the instructions in the user guide. Instructions include the advice not to place the computer on your lap for extended periods.”

In other words, these things will only scar you if you are dumb enough to touch the damn thing when it’s on.

Cut and paste from: independentsources.com

Go Steve Jobs, go. MacBook rocks. :D
tty2006-08-03 01:30:00
德州老外2006-08-03 01:59:23
燕赵悲歌2006-08-03 03:25:11