lily8882006-08-07 19:22:32
Hi, experts: Does any people show me how to re-install WIN98 in my HP OMNIBOOK XE3GC laptop? Can I use the regular WIN98 disc instead of the orignal recovery disc(The second disc is broken).So I am wonding if I can use the Win98(for desktop) in the laptop.In fact, I tried but failed.
Does any one show me how to re-install it?
google~2006-08-07 19:44:46
回复:how to recover WIN98 in HP OMNIBOOK XE3GC laptop
lily8882006-08-07 20:27:08
Thanks for:how to recover WIN98 in HP OMNIBOOK XE3GC laptop
prima2006-08-07 20:34:18
Lily, there is no difference on the OS cd between desktop and la
lily8882006-08-07 20:48:34
appreciating, prima.
充数2006-08-07 21:10:47
回复:how to recover WIN98 in HP OMNIBOOK XE3GC laptop
德州老外2006-08-07 21:32:57
this link might help you a bit
充数2006-08-07 21:50:30
prima2006-08-08 01:59:52
Do you know how many partitions are on your disk?