德州老外2006-08-23 17:56:11
I have free 8 GB diskspace from NTFS.

How can I quickly add this free space into my FC3 for

all users?
specific user?

Without any harm to my current file system.
ohlalala2006-08-23 18:47:39
vmware 的话,另当别论
德州老外2006-08-23 18:49:58
No, it is the real thing
ohlalala2006-08-23 18:59:37
newfaith2006-08-23 19:07:57
easy... LOL.
newfaith2006-08-23 19:12:15
tfsresize can shrink ntfs partition.
ohlalala2006-08-23 19:41:47
tty2006-08-23 22:24:50
把 /usr/man /usr/doc 搬到那上面,然后用soft link
ohlalala2006-08-24 00:03:11
/usr/share/doc & /usr/share/man, 呵呵
德州老外2006-08-24 00:39:01