MGM2006-08-26 01:09:14
I was trying to create a new partion on my drive C, where windowsXP resides. The tool i am using is Norton Partition magic 8.05. As usual, i first resized disc C to free some space.
Now, I got 15G space unallocated, however, Partion Magic would not allow me to 'Create partition' (this funtionality is disabled by Partition magic). I tried the same operation with Powerquest partition magic, the problem retained.
My current disk partion state is summerized as the following
(winXP is on C ; and linux occupies the rest of the partitions):

local disc C, NTFS, 43G, primary
(*) , Unallocated, 15G, primary
local disc(*:) linux ext3 , 102M, primary
(*) , extended , 36G , primary
local disc F, Type 8E , 8G, logical
local disc D, Type 8E , 28G, logical
local disc (*:), type D7 , 1027M, primary

I do not know what could cause the problem. My intention is to create another 2 partitions under the unallocated 15G space.
Any help / solutions ?
Thanks very much.
ohlalala2006-08-26 02:14:01
Is your PM registered???
MGM2006-08-26 02:20:37
没有,norton PM 是从usenext 下的,powerquest 是免费的。
MGM2006-08-26 02:32:44
norton PM 我安装的时候是有序列号的。
ohlalala2006-08-26 02:34:57
That's the reason.
MGM2006-08-26 03:01:22
when i install Norton PM, I provided with a serial number..
redman2006-08-26 04:13:24
Try to get rid of at least one primary partition