MGM2006-09-02 02:31:59
On my dual-boot system, the partition talbe follows:

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 5483 44042166 7 NTFS
/dev/sda2 7397 7409 104422+ 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 12031 12161 1052257+ 7 NTFS
/dev/sda4 7410 12030 37118182+ f W95Ext'd
/dev/sda5 7410 8385 7839688+ 8e LinuxLVM
/dev/sda6 8386 12030 29278431 8e LinuxLVM

The two NTFS partitions [sad1,sda3] are associated with windowsXP; the rest of them are occupied by LINUX, as i recalled, sda2 is for /boot, sda4 is an extended partition containing /root, /home partitions. However, I do not see /swap, is it hidden by linux or I screwed up the installation ? THANKS..
P.S: do I have make /boot partition a primary partition when installing? I think last time i manually made /boot a primary partition..

tty2006-09-02 03:53:38
用cat /etc/fstab 或者 free
ohlalala2006-09-02 03:57:39
tty2006-09-02 04:04:11
向你们这种菜鸟估计都是安装的时候自动划分swap 你们的问题
tty2006-09-02 04:05:41
打错了 是 swapon 不是 swap on
ohlalala2006-09-02 04:06:33
他的partition list 大概是fdisk + "p"出来的
tty2006-09-02 04:30:37
那就用 t 改一个分区为swap分区嘛 俺估计是用front end
ohlalala2006-09-02 04:37:30
回复:那就用 t 改一个分区为swap分区嘛 俺估计是用front end
tty2006-09-02 04:40:28
那就别用swap了 512MB以上就可以不用了
ohlalala2006-09-02 05:24:04
swap 还是要的
ohlalala2006-09-02 05:25:05