ohlalala2006-10-24 19:03:57
in its OS X 10.5 (Leopard) during the demo last time. This is done to avoid MS to copy them in Vista. IE7 is another example of MS' "invention".
ppzcgg2006-10-24 19:13:28
well, did MS claim IE was an invention?
ppzcgg2006-10-24 19:16:24
If Apple did it for that reason, it's a shame to itself.
德州老外2006-10-24 19:16:32
MS is known to be a quick learner
ohlalala2006-10-24 19:17:57
Did they make it sound like a copy-cat? :)
ohlalala2006-10-24 19:18:48
OS X is not GPLed.
ohlalala2006-10-24 19:22:29
Not only GPL
CutOnce2006-10-24 19:30:22
Last WWDC in San Fransisco
CutOnce2006-10-24 19:31:32
and I don't think Apple hid something
ohlalala2006-10-24 19:33:48
If I were you, I would wait for next year
ppzcgg2006-10-24 19:38:33
didn't find anything to brag it as an innovation
ppzcgg2006-10-24 19:40:27
oh, you should try the about box in
ohlalala2006-10-24 19:46:42
IE is licensed from Mosaic, that's why.
ppzcgg2006-10-24 20:14:37
that is what I meant
CutOnce2006-10-25 14:34:40
I'm still waiting ... :-)