JJCL2006-12-02 09:21:41
something weird today about my email. I really don't know what's going on. Hope experts can help me out.

Today when I checked my hotmail. I saw so many delivery failure notification. I accidently opened one. To my surprise, it was from my email to somebody else who I really don't know. The content is to ask him/her to check one link. I tried the link below. To my surprise again, the information there is really mine, including name, birth state, age etc. It really shock me. I am so confused. How can somebody use my email to send letter? I would not open this unless one of my friend replied this email to me. I am so embarassed because I did not send the email to him.

So what should I do?? Can somebody enter my email and send email without my password? Or should it be avoided if I change my password?

Thanks in advance.
血月2006-12-02 10:20:52
you are being tailed. Haha
燕赵悲歌2006-12-02 10:21:46
回复:Please somebody help me.