我稀饭捣乱2007-02-09 15:56:28

ZTZTZt Although the PC guy does talk about putting \'Vista\' on his hardware. So they could do a add where he puts Ubuntu on. But I don\'t think apple would want a like this \"Hi I\'m a Mac\" \"and I am a PC!!!!\" \"Wha.. Why are you so happy PC?\" \"Noooo more Vista, gone! Out of here!!\" \"Sooo umm, are you back to XP?\" \"Nope, Ubuntu!\" \"Err Ban Too?\" \"Ubuntu. No surgery, no pain. Just a few questions about my name such and it was all working\" \"That\'s great, soooo what about your work, your photo\'s, your music?\" \"All taken care of! And none of that \"Accept or Deny\" gumbo either, security without the feeling of your teeth being pulled out\" \"Ubuntu?\" \"Ubuntu.\" *apple logo fades in* PC guy \"You know, this smug feeling, it feels pretty good..\"
ohlalala2007-02-09 17:54:35
If you could add a little indian accent to that linux guy,
ohlalala2007-02-09 17:56:45
ubuntu 翻译成中文是
德州老外2007-02-09 19:27:23