晓雪7772008-01-05 15:16:26
Some of the best free ware like star office, a business version of open office which normally cost $70, you can download free from google. Roboform, a very good password management software, Zoom player, this is will love by chinese, since some chinese DVD has bad code and can not played on PC, I used zoom player whenever I can not open a video with window media player, it almost always work! Best 100+ free software
太平洋2008-01-05 15:34:43
谢谢推荐,这是个很好的Information Source,
晓雪7772008-01-05 16:00:02
Thanks very much for support,this link not inclue star office an
!?2008-01-05 16:46:56
置顶: ┈━═ ◆★下载Google Pack这里进:(StarOffice & More)◆★═━┈ZT
!?2008-01-05 16:47:58
晓雪7772008-01-05 18:27:08
Thank you for your support too, any help for readers will be app
晓雪7772008-01-06 03:03:02
回复:置顶: ┈━═ ◆★下载Google Pack这里进:Thankyou !
晓雪7772008-01-07 04:38:01
updated: more free web resources added!!!
九阳2008-01-07 09:28:26
不如用 ubuntu,一了白了。全部冕费。我现在就是用这个
九阳2008-01-08 01:34:15
晓雪7772008-01-08 02:59:58
Great points! :不如用 ubuntu,一了白了。全部冕费。我现在就是用这个
只爱陌生人2008-01-08 03:34:18
π2008-01-08 04:21:43
你们这些小孩都太新潮,俺用的OS是CP/M! (图)
!?2008-01-08 05:16:34
老大你要贴真人秀先说声么,太酷啦!我差点就呼呼去啦, (图)
晓雪7772008-01-08 12:20:25
updated on jan 8, 2008!!!