保罗X世2008-02-08 14:05:30
I followed the instruction from DDY:
在电脑A上资源管理器device management的“IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器”中找到当前正在使用的IDE控制器,右击鼠标之后从弹出菜单中选择“更改驱动程序”命令,接着在出现的驱动程序更新向导中依次选择“从列表或指定位置安装→不要搜索,我要自己选择要安装的程序”,最后从窗口中选取“标准双通道PCI IDE控制器”一项即可。


When attempting to run sysprep.exe, I was asked to run setupCl too. I did and then I had two choices: Reseal and Factory. I chose reseal since it is the default choice.
Then the sysprep ran and the computer shut off itself.
After moving that hard drive to Computer B, it could not boot up to windows. The choices were: safe mode, safe mode with networking, and normal. I tried them one by one but all failed.
Maybe I should choose Factory? Please help.
ddy2008-02-09 02:43:30
回复:Report to DDY and other Gurus: Deploy failed
ddy2008-02-09 04:47:09
回复:Report to DDY and other Gurus: Deploy failed
保罗X世2008-02-10 03:15:17