bmw325i2004-01-05 04:46:00
Thanks for Yold's post! The MSNBC article is good.

I've always used AmexCard as the fund of my paypal account... Will change it
today, since it's so risky!

【 在 yold (^_^) 的大作中提到: 】

: I am a new cop, but my experience may be of some help here.
: For 4, still need be careful!
: I had $690 cheated by the following guy for Planar PL201M
: When I bought from it, its rating is about 99% with more than 200 feedbacks
: My lessons here:
: Paypal (now belong to ebay) is a big sucker, always protecting seller
: not buyer. This time is the 2nd time Paypal resolved my dispute but
: refund me $0
: Fortunately I used my Citi mastercard to fund my Paypal account this time
: I googled and found the following useful article:
: I just disputed Paypal via Citi mastercard. Should be 0 loss this time
: I have a good credit record with my credit card companies.
: My suggestion here is - whenever using Paypal, trying to fund it with your
: Marster or Visa card. Always remember its role is prefer seller to buyer.

f642004-01-05 05:51:00
paypal。。2004-01-05 06:32:00
出一身冷汗2004-01-05 11:16:00
everseen2004-01-05 14:41:00
u r the most stupid man i've