wenxuecity.charley2008-04-26 22:05:39
I lost my laptop,as we know the CPU number is unique, I think the Internet can identify it when it hooks up to Internet. and tells the IP.
Am I right?
w20082008-04-27 00:36:26
most likely that won't happen
Big-Mac2008-04-27 00:44:55
不对,但年奔腾1代开始有CPU ID,但是人权分子说侵犯私隐了,
wenxuecity.charley2008-04-28 02:02:28
如果FBI 丢了,本本在加拿大某个地方,它们一定能找到,对不对?
Big-Mac2008-04-28 03:31:55