wenxuecityboy2008-08-20 18:34:45
买了一台旧计算机,发现我不能保存如何东西, 也不能卸装和安装任何软件, 因为每次操作后关机, 再启动计算机,她会显示:
Do not save to c:\drive, file will be lost on reboot
new hardware found
add new hardware wizard
this wizard searches for new drivers for
plug and play monitor
a device driver is a software program that make a hardware device work
what do you want windows to do
下面两个选择, 那个recommonded 是:
search for best driver for your device
按next 后显示:
windows will search for new drivers in it driver database on your hard drive,and in any following selected location, click next to start search
floppy disk drives
CD-Rom drive
Microsoft windows update
specify a location

然后是一系列的动作, 启动后发现删除的东西又回来了, 保存的东西不见了.

我想可能是计算机设置上的问题, 但无从下手.
请大虾指教. 谢谢

北京烤丫2008-08-21 02:34:44
wenxuecityboy2008-08-21 03:40:42
非常感谢, 如果有更简单的方法就更好了.
北京烤丫2008-08-21 04:01:49
这个建议非常好, 我承认自己的方式过于简单粗暴
北京烤丫2008-08-21 04:05:24
还有你的user profile里是否有个叫ntuser.man的文件
wenxuecityboy2008-08-21 12:55:33