jane20042004-01-15 05:35:00
ed when I open any window? How can It be change to
open full screen automatically and I don't have to maximaze it each time?

Also, why wenxue city 新闻直通车 news open
in the same window, they each are open to seperatey
new window before. How do I change it back?

Many thanks.


ASMA2004-01-15 08:04:00
jane20042004-01-15 15:51:00
thanks, can not find "close"
Submariner2004-01-15 16:36:00
It should be Shift-File-Close!
yahoobb2004-01-15 16:39:00
jane20042004-01-15 21:24:00
yahoobb, would you please tell
和哈哈哈哈哈哈2005-07-01 04:22:40
回复:yahoobb, would you please tell
赫赫哈哈哈哈2005-07-01 04:24:02
回复:回复:yahoobb, would you please tell