whiteheart2008-11-23 16:18:31
New laptop, and windows vista operating system. C partition is too large for system files only, and I want to create a new partition for data, and make C:/ partition smaller. I have norton partition 8.0, and the information from web said it is for windowx XP only, not mentioned vista. So, I am wondering if I can use this norton partition for vista.
Let me know if you know the answer, thank you!
ohlalala2008-11-23 16:34:25
No, it won't work in Vista.
π2008-11-23 17:40:42
Vista的Disk Management有Shrink Volume的功能。
whiteheart2008-11-23 18:27:26
Thanks, but where is Disk Management?
Whiteheart2008-11-23 18:38:51
I found it, but it just shrink C a little, how to shrink more?
π2008-11-23 19:20:54
Do Disk Defragmentation first, then you can shrink more.
Whiteheart2008-11-24 05:32:53