我女儿在大学一年级, 她去年一月我们给她买了个Laptop,当时买的是$800, 不算很好的,她刚送来个message 给我太太说:
This laptop is having some problems with heat. No matter where i am
or how long i have been using it, it is HOT AS HELL. i can't put a fan
on my desk, theres no room. and it heats up really fast.... it feels
about 180 degrees. really bad. Ask Dad if there is a way to replace
parts or anything, otherwise there will be trouble.
这个Laptop我希望是散热Fan坏了, 还可修修, 要不, 就要换新了,
, 要是一定要买新的, 该买多好的才不会有这样的问题呢? 我知道散热问题对Laptop 是个头痛的问题.