janewang2009-05-12 20:33:45
I am applying for the at&t DSL high speed internet and need to buy a modem. The at&t offer two equipments: one is a DSL modem for 49.99 and another is called the wireless gateway for 79.99. I want to have a wireless access at home. I have two questions:

1. Should I buy the wireless gateway or I buy a dsl modem and a router separately? I am afraid that if I switch to cable internet later, this wire less gateway will not work for cable.

2. Do I have any chance to get a modem from a shop for cheaper price.

Thanks with all my heart!
goldengate2009-05-12 21:15:23
回复:Please help! some questions related with DSL Modem.
janewang2009-05-14 15:44:52
Thanks very much for your suggestion!