weiyi2009-07-12 01:58:19

I download some file from youtube and save on Real player “ My library” , but I like to male DVD for these files so I transfer these file s to my own drive , but I found this transferred file will lost video and has music only if I use window Media Player. So I like to know how can I get these original files from “My library”without lost video ? What kind of Format these file have? I just want to get them and make my own DVD without Use Real Player Plus ( $24.95) because I don’t want Plus.

企鹅肥肥2009-07-12 06:42:16
youtube的很多HD video是h264或avc1的,而Windows Media player不能
企鹅肥肥2009-07-12 06:44:08
你可以用免费的VideoLan的VLC media player来播放下载的youtube录像
weiyi2009-07-12 15:45:05
谢谢! 或许我没有把我的要求说清楚, 我是一定要把
weiyi2009-07-12 16:02:36
我刚弄成功了一半, 是这样的:
yummmmy20072009-07-12 16:38:44
企鹅肥肥2009-07-12 18:39:14
Flash Video就是所谓的FLV。你不要转了,直接用VLC看吧
企鹅肥肥2009-07-12 18:40:48
weiyi2009-07-12 19:34:12
No, I am very 菜鸟, know nothing about Computer,but I will try ffm
weiyi2009-07-12 19:35:56
OK, I will download VLC. Thanks again!
weiyi2009-07-12 19:43:51
I am using DVD flick, it can convert FLV to DVD