t1232009-08-25 03:26:03
不停地调NAT Mapping Enable, NAT Keep Alive Enable. 每天要调几次. 郁闷哪.
t1232009-08-25 05:32:28
也不知道为什么, 时好时坏, 一头雾水,
fitwxc2009-08-25 09:17:00
t1232009-08-25 11:19:20
谢谢, 至少我不再去瞎折腾SPA1001设置了. 您有什么推荐吗?
askaskaskask2009-08-25 17:24:50
i think google voice is not reliable, too.
askaskaskask2009-08-25 17:25:45
router takes time to reset. sometime unplug and plug in again he
askaskaskask2009-08-25 17:26:25
unplug and plug in again helps
fitwxc2009-08-25 18:36:42
fitwxc2009-08-25 18:39:08