NaCl2009-09-21 04:04:50
I am using CCTV Box to watch CCTV channels. Every channel works except CCTV 5. it is restricted for north American area. I thought about using proxy may solve the problem but I have not enough tech knowledge to get it to work. Has any one tried?
egame2009-09-21 04:33:26
always do your own search first
NaCl2009-09-21 04:52:06
回复:Thanks for reminding me. I tried. But no luck.
朱歌亮2009-09-21 17:21:28
QQQTV can play CCTV5 with plug-in, much easier than upstairs' re
NaCl2009-09-22 04:51:44
回复:Have you tried?I got a message ....