lovecorn2009-11-05 06:56:40
Someone posted here before the student discount, which is for upgrade.

To get full version (ISO file) you can call their store (google for toll free number) and they will email you link (to your edu address) for $29.95
用户名被占用了2009-11-05 12:06:21
lovecorn2009-11-05 15:17:39
call them ask for a refund or just ask for a full version link
自由下载2009-11-05 16:09:45
64 Bit Windows 7 Pro Links from Digital River. Full Version
用户名被占用了2009-11-05 16:24:03
thanks. will try. only but i am not a student anymore. borrowed
coorslight9692009-11-05 17:58:48
严格意义上讲,和用公司版是一样的,属于D版 :)
用户名被占用了2009-11-05 18:18:10
coorslight9692009-11-05 18:20:39
纯属玩笑, 真应该鼓励。。。
用户名被占用了2009-11-05 18:30:44
coorslight9692009-11-05 19:02:16
4242, 物以类聚。 人以。。。 :)))
用户名被占用了2009-11-05 19:05:15
ansy2009-11-06 01:13:24
Great! hwo to install it? don't know about box file