1.关键技术DDNS(Dynamic Domain Name Service)
如果家里的高速网是DSL,通常用的是dynamic IP address, 所以你的IP地址经常会变,就没法去申请一个普通的域名。但是象dyndns.com 和no-ip.com这样的网站支持DDNS,你就可以到上面去申请一个域名。对一般家庭而言,使用免费的服务就可以了。有了这样一个域名之后,你就可以让你的voip providers把电话直接送到你的ATA上。
这个事做起了很简单,比如说你在dyndns.com开一个账号,登录之后的页面上你找到并进入add host service,你给自己选一个hostname,比如abcdevoip.getmyip.com . 在IP address一栏里你需要输入你现在家里的IP address。 如果你在家里上机你直接按下面Use auto detected IP address 209...就行了。
(2)IP address 更新
你安装之后,一旦你IP address发生了变化,它就会自动更新你在dyndns.com上的域名下的IP address。
2.构造你的ATA的sip address
如果你ATA line1上的user ID是15126667777,sip port是5060,那么对应的sip address就是 15126667777@abcdevoip.getmyip.com:5060 .
有了这个sip address,你在你的voip providers 的IP address 的forwarding栏里填上这个sip address,电话就直接接到你的ATA line1上面了。
3.ATA 和router的 设置
Here's a more general set of steps to properly set up a PAP2/SPAxxxx type ATA behind a NAT router, that should work under just about any conditions.
Browse to the ATA's advanced, admin level web configuration. Under the SIP tab:
1) Record the port number specified by RTP Port Min.
2) Record the port number specified by RTP Port Max.
3) Set Handle VIA received to yes.
4) Set Handle VIA rport to yes.
5) Set Insert VIA received to yes.
6) Set Insert VIA rport to yes.
7) Set Substitute VIA Addr to yes.
8) Set Resp to Src Port to yes.
9) Set STUN Enable to yes.
10) Set STUN Server to your choice for STUN server, eg "stun.voxalot.com".
11) Set Ext RTP Port Min to match the value recorded in step 1). May be omitted depending on router's NAT implementation.
Under the Line 1/2 tab:
12) Set NAT Mapping Enable to yes.
13) Optionally, set NAT Keep Alive Enable to yes. Isn't really necessary with ports forwarded.
14) Make a note of the value of field SIP Port.
15) Set Ext SIP Port to the value from step 14). May be omitted depending on router's NAT implementation.
16) Set Ans Call Without Reg to yes.
In your router's setup:
17) Forward the port number from step 14) for UDP, from your router to the ATA.
18) Forward the range of port numbers defined by the values from steps 1) and 2) for UDP, from your router to the ATA.
Finally, in G5's setup, make sure that the SIP forwarding goes to the same port number as recorded in step 14).
这样设置好了就可以打进来了。比如我用的ATA是SPA1001,line 1我注册的是nonoh,我试过把gizmo5 和ipkall单独或同时送到这条线上都能接听。
首先要感谢fitwxc给大家介绍自装网络电话的方法,他给大家推荐的SPA1001能够很简单地设置用不同voip providers打进打出,使用起来确实很方便。