ROSE882009-11-13 19:10:39
but when I put my cell phone number I can't get text message code, I try my friend's cell, still can't get it. I filled the customer service form, no response. what should I do? XDJM know how solve this problem? thanks!!!
lanyu2009-11-13 19:23:00
Why don't u use Skype? ask them online
出入自在2009-11-13 19:23:51
回复:Please help me! I registered Nonoh buy credit need verify
smhsmh2009-11-13 19:47:04
业余初段2009-11-13 19:56:55
rose882009-11-13 20:09:50
but I just registered as userID and psw, no more information nee
rose882009-11-13 20:11:58
Nonoh has free 4 month call China.
出入自在2009-11-13 20:19:55
回复:but I just registered as userID and psw, no more information
KKKU2009-11-14 17:59:17
回复:Please help me! I registered Nonoh buy credit need verify
rose882009-11-16 02:52:07
Thank u!But I use my cell phone to verify when I select credit c
rose882009-11-16 02:54:51
when I select credit card, then it comes to verify my cell