damingtianxia2010-01-12 19:03:37
Our business is using DSL , the setup is like DSL modem->router->internet surveillance cameras and desktops. We can watch the surveillance video (camera) anywhere there is internet access and we know the IP address of DSL modem. DSL provider changes our IP address once a week at night time. If we want to watch the surveillance video at the night time and the IP address has been changed. We have to drive back to our business location to get the new IP address.There must be a way to get the changed IP address of remote location without driving to the remote location.Hope I explain my problem well so you guys can understand. Please help.
出入自在2010-01-12 20:03:31
回复:get the new ip address in the remote location?
出入自在2010-01-12 20:06:30
st.paul2010-01-13 00:01:43
回复:get the new ip address in the remote location?
手机新手2010-01-13 03:28:21
damingtianxia2010-01-13 03:48:11
problem solved! Thanks for everyone!!!!