一亩三分田2010-02-09 19:37:14
I tried to register Sipgate online, but always prompted to let me input my cell phone number to send text message to me but I never receive it.

Does anyone know how to do it?

chat0922010-02-09 20:21:14
that means sipGate is non-functional. if it works,
一亩三分田2010-02-09 22:59:05
what else can I use to forward GV call to ATA? IPkall 现在不通?
出入自在2010-02-10 00:07:52
回复:what else can I use to forward GV call to ATA? IPkall 现在不通?
////2010-02-10 00:25:06
No issue on sipgate w/ GV/ATA in
出入自在2010-02-10 00:49:51
This happened to me so I've never gotten SG#
chat0922010-02-10 00:56:55
It happened to me too, but some times it opens the registration
chat0922010-02-10 00:58:51
try to register everyday, you can get it
chat0922010-02-10 01:00:36
GV's anouncement canbe closed.
chat0922010-02-10 01:03:25
Go to GV's settings->calls->call presentation->off
chat0922010-02-10 01:08:43
callcentric has local DID, if you pay $3 or $6 monthly
出入自在2010-02-10 02:28:42
我早就关掉了call presentation
出入自在2010-02-10 02:37:12
This is a glitch,beyond my control