弓尒2010-06-24 05:06:08
Compaq notebook, about 6-8 years old [do not have the pc handy this moment];

was working well,

then the screen did nor light up, [only very faded, as-if, the windows logo in the black, if viewed at a particular angle],

restarted several times, still the same problem,


1. what the problem/s is or are?
2. how to solve this?

Thanks a lot for your help,

π2010-06-24 16:41:22
回复:Notrbook 电脑 screen 不能显示, 咋办? 预谢~!
加州老李2010-06-24 19:50:40
wooddiy2010-06-24 20:17:53
um, that is way tooooooo old
加州老李2010-06-24 20:19:01
Laptop LCD tutorial
加州老李2010-06-24 20:24:33
加州老李2010-06-24 20:49:08
P4的最大问题是发热。P4-M还好些,Mobile P4耗电高达80瓦,
LAChinese2010-06-25 00:49:45
Wow, my whole netbook is 8-10W, depend on load.
弓尒2010-06-25 03:10:15
谢π兄,老李兄 及 各位老大,醍醐灌顶~:)
大地2010-06-26 11:33:34