fitwxc2010-07-07 01:35:41

竖着和躺着放都行。因为能竖着放,碟片是卡住的,取放碟片比较费劲,这是唯一的缺点。出门时携带很方便,小巧漂亮,又不要电源,是没有内置DVD的轻便笔记本的好配件。除了看电影和写影碟,做系统备份和恢复也很好。我已经买了3个了,$40, $30, $24。

fitwxc2010-07-07 01:42:56
Free shipping, $33.99 before $10 mail-in rebate
加州老李2010-07-07 01:49:21
有两大问题: (1) 是Recertified东西; (2) Asus的Rebate名声不太好。
LAChinese2010-07-07 02:00:06
What's the writer inside? From my experience, the write
LAChinese2010-07-07 02:04:05
It's a very good price. A laptop internal DVD writer costed
加州老李2010-07-07 02:14:27
fitwxc2010-07-07 05:01:35
Well, even for $34 you still can't go wrong.
fitwxc2010-07-07 05:06:53
Flyboat2010-07-07 06:14:18
希望你說的對,但我認為dual-layer DVD 還是有市場的。
fitwxc2010-07-07 06:31:47
DL碟还是偏贵,我宁愿烧两张SL($0.10+$0.10)X 3 = $0.60