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- [computer]
=sheet1!A7 ...
我如果选中上面的单元向下拖拽,那么产生的是连续的行数8/9/10/...... 而非我想要的单数 9/11/13/...
问,有什么办法拖拽产生, 还是我必须手工输入?
Create 1st cell as "=sheet1!A1"
回复:Create 1st cell as "=sheet1!A1"
a new method, hope it works
after "highlight these two cells," should "copy", then
Above is the most efficient way so far if you know how to use fi
Cool. Thank you very much.
There are data in other columns. I can not delete entire rows.
Try this, it should work.
Yep, this is a smart way to just work on the two columns. Thanks
Excellent. Can u help me to arrage the data from a column to a r
回复:Excellent. Can u help me to arrage the data from a column to