wxcqt2010-07-21 15:25:40
=sheet1!A7 ...
我如果选中上面的单元向下拖拽,那么产生的是连续的行数8/9/10/...... 而非我想要的单数 9/11/13/...
问,有什么办法拖拽产生, 还是我必须手工输入?
xyz1002010-07-21 17:49:53
Create 1st cell as "=sheet1!A1"
wxcqt2010-07-21 19:05:05
回复:Create 1st cell as "=sheet1!A1"
西瓜炒成芝麻2010-07-21 21:23:59
a new method, hope it works
xyz1002010-07-21 21:36:21
西瓜炒成芝麻2010-07-21 22:38:25
after "highlight these two cells," should "copy", then
jjbear2010-07-22 02:29:18
jjbear2010-07-22 02:39:09
Above is the most efficient way so far if you know how to use fi
wxcqt2010-07-22 15:00:19
Cool. Thank you very much.
wxcqt2010-07-22 15:07:53
There are data in other columns. I can not delete entire rows.
jjbear2010-07-22 17:10:26
Try this, it should work.
wxcqt2010-07-22 20:09:43
Yep, this is a smart way to just work on the two columns. Thanks
xyz1002010-07-22 20:33:47
Excellent. Can u help me to arrage the data from a column to a r
xyz1002010-07-22 20:35:17
回复:Excellent. Can u help me to arrage the data from a column to
jjbear2010-07-22 23:13:35
Use transpose
xyz1002010-07-23 02:03:37
瓦,这幕简单呀? 谢谢,还真管用,
以前的笔名忘了2010-07-23 20:16:51