halfdummy2010-08-22 21:32:07
我的Dell Dimension 4700已有一些年头了。最近, 3 硬盘同时坏掉。为啥会同时坏掉?回忆起之前几天,机壳很烫。

NaCl2010-08-23 00:08:56
回复:Dell Dimention 4700 is famous for poor cooling.
NaCl2010-08-23 00:18:03
回复:one more thing...
halfdummy2010-08-23 02:03:10
Thanks very much for the insightful comments
NaCl2010-08-23 02:28:55
回复:You are welcome. I used to have a 4600.
halfdummy2010-08-24 12:21:13
I found the reason: the case fan is not working well