lovecorn2010-09-01 21:28:14
mine hdd dead no spinning up.
don't want spend >$300 for data recovery...

plan to open up and give the head/platter a bit assistence...

anyone got experiences?
googled some...but like to hear feedbacks from high-hands here
pc-112010-09-01 21:51:00
lovecorn2010-09-01 22:30:38
wow...lucky u...will do more research before i do that.
wooddiy2010-09-01 22:51:07
depends what you want to do
LAChinese2010-09-02 02:57:17
Don't open your HD. It will be dead. I did something similar
lovecorn2010-09-02 06:53:52
now it spins but also high pitch noises...
LAChinese2010-09-02 07:32:52
Did you connect it to your pc? Some said freeze it. I don't
lovecorn2010-09-03 19:24:23
yes...don't want to spend time on it anymore