fitwxc2010-11-25 00:57:57

“Samsung said it expected to sell a million Galaxy Tabs this year, and it looks like it may not be far off that mark, if it doesn't exceed it -- the company has apparently told The Korea Herald that it's sold 600,000 of the tablets worldwide so far, less than a month after launch. ”


另外重量必须在1英镑之内,15 oz都偏重。

fitwxc2010-11-25 01:10:12
大眼贼2010-11-25 01:25:22
不知老大对HP SLATE的评价如何?总感觉TABLET用FULL OS应该是趋势
?ttу2010-11-25 01:49:26
fitwxc2010-11-25 01:49:52
HP的东西都是难看又贵的垃圾.Full OS平板早有了,Viliv X70, S7,都太重
fitwxc2010-11-25 01:53:59
5寸的像S5倒是不重,可是full OS在小屏幕上远没有Android那样好用
fitwxc2010-11-25 01:56:17
所以我宁愿在android上remote desktop也不愿用full os平板
fitwxc2010-11-25 01:59:31
android上的remote desktop编得非常, 非常, 非常好!!! 而且免费的