喜狼狼2010-12-04 02:40:03

I bought Nexus One (2.2) and it freezes often. Called HTC and got a new one, same issue. Checked Google Android forum, many people have the same issue. So this is not a phone issue but Android issue. Eventually I sold the Nexus One and bought a IPHONE4. I hate ITunes but it doesn't freeze.

Although other features are good (flash, market etc) but what's the purpose of a phone? Making phone calls!! It's useless if it has call issues.

Android concept is good, open source but until it's stable, don't waste your money.

喜狼狼2010-12-04 02:45:39
Check Android Forum, it happens on other
喜狼狼2010-12-04 02:48:07
I almost bought a Dell Streak today
喜狼狼2010-12-04 02:55:06
By the way, I really really hate ITUNES
playForever2010-12-04 03:54:37
My Dell Streak with Dell official Android 2.2(build 309) seems t
playForever2010-12-04 03:56:25
My Dell Streak is fine. I did encounter freeze
playForever2010-12-04 03:56:33
My Dell Streak is fine. I did not encounter freeze
喜狼狼2010-12-04 04:08:58
Do you use bluetooth? Is it ATT or TM?
internuts2010-12-04 04:17:01
i don't thave that issue
喜狼狼2010-12-04 04:27:02
Do you use bluetooth headset?
internuts2010-12-04 05:02:50
i don't use bluetooth becuz sound not as clear
flywhc2010-12-04 18:35:02
chenio2010-12-06 03:18:49
Nexus one does have issues, sigh...