Hope_20072011-05-16 03:17:58

昨天嫌电脑慢, 删了一些东西,可能删掉了重要文件. 请问该怎么办? 急用电脑,请高手赐教! 恭谢!



Hope_20072011-05-16 03:31:39
Error: The logon user interface DLL MsPwdGina.dll failed to load
?ttу2011-05-16 05:26:21
MsPwdGina.dll名字不对,因该是msgina.dll 你的电脑别是中毒了吧?
Hope_20072011-05-16 14:02:08
Thanks...should not be virus because I deleted lots of windows s
加州老李2011-05-16 15:48:04
做Windows XP Repair Intall应该可以解决问题。
Hope_20072011-05-16 18:47:27
Thanks Lao Li! Can you explain how to do it?
加州老李2011-05-16 19:36:45
Windows XP Repair Install
Hope_20072011-05-16 19:43:25
Thanks! The problem is bigger now, hope you can help more.