playForever2011-05-25 23:31:07

The comparsion review is here

Very tempting to get a Nook Color because of its excellent screen, but its video performance bother me. I wish it can handle 720P video.

?ttу2011-05-25 23:37:27
nc比galaxy tab大,重,慢 - galaxy tab 3g版比上文提到的galaxy wifi版快
?ttу2011-05-25 23:38:53
nc 是 half ass的三脚猫 - 有时候为了省一百缺好多功能不值得
playForever2011-05-25 23:41:33
Can Galaxy handle 720P video(say youtube) ?
?ttу2011-05-25 23:47:10
我看看- 那个youtube是720p的?
?ttу2011-05-25 23:54:01
?ttу2011-05-26 00:02:56
?ttу2011-05-26 00:10:14
playForever2011-05-26 00:57:24
really, even can handle 1080P ? what format ?
?ttу2011-05-26 01:00:31
mp4 但是我试验的声音部分有些不对,5.1解码有问题 图像绝对没问题
?ttу2011-05-26 01:30:55
galaxy tab不支持多声道
gchai2011-05-31 18:15:48
I have both, rooted Nook Color with Cyanogenmod 7