难割难舍中国心2011-06-04 05:20:26

本公司要set up一台Linux Server用来安装本公司的软件产品以及进行一些testing的需要。


Processor:Inter(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU, M480 @ 2.67GHz

RAM: 4.0GB (2.93GB usable)

However, we are not very sure about which Linux Distribution we should use, RedHat or SUSE or others? Which version shall we use? Which one has the best performance/price ratio?

In addition, we are also keen to installing a MySQL DB. So please kindly provide us with an ideal combination of Linux/MySQL.

We can accept either freeware or low-cost product, but not any expensive set.

You are welcome to give us details as more as possible, such as the distributions and versions of Linux and MySQL, the hardware requirements, the prices, and the installation details etc.

Please feel free to give us your schemes. We are open to any of your opinions.

Thanks in advance!




?ttу2011-06-04 06:58:12
chat0922011-06-04 11:57:27
the easy maintainable one is Debian, and has better support
flauto2011-06-05 01:28:14
回复:请教Setup Linux Server的一些细节
old_taoist2011-06-05 18:04:27
要service的话, redhat or suse,免费ubuntu or centos 都是最新版