longterminvestor2012-02-24 08:21:34

now after I write ha/aaa to it using QPST and NV Items using cdma ws 2.7 using files generated from http://www.whiterabbit.org/android/

I have some questions:

When I use QPST to write ha/aaa secret, do I need to change phone number for NAI and Tethered NAI on M.IP tab? also do I need to change phone number on ppp tab? ppp is for what kind of connection? 1x?

I tried to change phone number in QPST, but after reboot, doing read from phone, the original phone number is showing up, the phone number does not change, why? I tried to change phone number on M.IP alone, it does not work, I tried to change phone number on both MIP and PPP tabs, it does not work either.

My droidx is now on Gengerbread, not original Froyo, does it matter?


Please help!

mc33612012-02-24 13:24:28
nv item 没写对
mc33612012-02-24 14:42:27
大概写nv item前没send spc
longterminvestor2012-02-24 17:14:01
thank you for the answer! i think I sent spc when writing
mc33612012-02-24 18:09:36
那些需要用cdma ws改,否则改了也存不住
mc33612012-02-24 18:11:08
longterminvestor2012-02-24 18:24:47
thank you for the answer! I just read the following security whi
mc33612012-02-24 18:27:17
qpst没准能改NAI,但是用cdma ws+nvitem文件最保险