英台2012-11-05 02:10:24

<title>Web Authentication</title>
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<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=https://wirelessedmonton.edmonton.ca/login_noscript.html">
<script language="javascript" src="./loginscript.js"></script>
    var url = "";
    if(url != ""){
        var link = document.location.href;
        var searchString = "?redirect=";
        var equalIndex = link.indexOf(searchString);
        var redirectUrl = "";
        if(equalIndex > 0) {
                equalIndex += searchString.length;
                redirectUrl += link.substring(equalIndex);
                //attach the redirect url only if the ext web auth url doesn't contain it
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                equalIndex = url.indexOf(searchString);
                if(equalIndex < 0){
                    url+= "&redirect=";
        window.location.href = url;
function getErrorMsgIfAny(){
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    document.writeln(' \
     <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2" style="color:#CC0000">Login Error.</td>\
     </tr><tr align="center"> <td width="350" class="message" colspan="2">The User Name and Password combination you have entered is invalid. Please try again.</td></tr>\
    <tr> <td class="caption" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td></tr>');
   document.writeln(' ');
function unhideform(){
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                            <th width="400" align="left">Welcome to Wireless Edmonton</th>
                            <td class="message" width="400" align="left">
                                The City of Edmonton's Wireless Internet Service. Use Wireless Edmonton to see all that Edmonton has to offer on www.edmonton.ca or to connect to the World Wide Web. 
In consideration for you being granted access to Wireless Edmonton, you must agree to the following Conditions of Use:
You agree to adhere to the laws of Alberta and Canada in using Wireless Edmonton, including but not limited to those laws regarding restrictions on publishing, printing, distributing, possessing, selling, advocating, promoting, or exposing, obscene material, child pornography, or hate propaganda.
The City of Edmonton may monitor the use of Wireless Edmonton and report any illegal use to the appropriate law enforcement authority.
You shall be solely responsible for any and all items or statements transmitted, posted, received or created by your session while using Wireless Edmonton, and their content, even if transmitted, posted, received or created by someone else, and you agree to indemnify and hold the City of Edmonton, its officers, employees, agents, contractors and affiliates, harmless from any loss, damage or liability which may result therefrom.
The City of Edmonton reserves the right to restrict access to certain sites based on our filtering software.
You agree that the City of Edmonton, it’s officers, employees, agents, contractors and affiliates will not be liable for any loss or damage that may result from your use or inability to use Wireless Edmonton.
You acknowledge that Wireless Edmonton is not guaranteed and there are no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, uninterrupted or error free service, accessibility, privacy of files or e-mail.
                    <table border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0">          
                                <script>getHtmlForButton("Submit","Accept","buttonStretch","submitAction()"); </script>
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Welcome to Wireless Edmonton
The City of Edmonton's Wireless Internet Service. Use Wireless Edmonton to see all that Edmonton has to offer on www.edmonton.ca or to connect to the World Wide Web. In consideration for you being granted access to Wireless Edmonton, you must agree to the following Conditions of Use: You agree to adhere to the laws of Alberta and Canada in using Wireless Edmonton, including but not limited to those laws regarding restrictions on publishing, printing, distributing, possessing, selling, advocating, promoting, or exposing, obscene material, child pornography, or hate propaganda. The City of Edmonton may monitor the use of Wireless Edmonton and report any illegal use to the appropriate law enforcement authority. You shall be solely responsible for any and all items or statements transmitted, posted, received or created by your session while using Wireless Edmonton, and their content, even if transmitted, posted, received or created by someone else, and you agree to indemnify and hold the City of Edmonton, its officers, employees, agents, contractors and affiliates, harmless from any loss, damage or liability which may result therefrom. The City of Edmonton reserves the right to restrict access to certain sites based on our filtering software. You agree that the City of Edmonton, it’s officers, employees, agents, contractors and affiliates will not be liable for any loss or damage that may result from your use or inability to use Wireless Edmonton. You acknowledge that Wireless Edmonton is not guaranteed and there are no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, uninterrupted or error free service, accessibility, privacy of files or e-mail. BY CLICKING ON THE “ACCEPT” ICON YOU ARE INDICATING THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THE CONDITIONS OF USE AND THAT YOU INTEND TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY THEM.
英台2012-11-05 02:14:43
英台2012-11-05 02:20:01
英台2012-11-05 02:22:19
playdoh22012-11-05 18:31:57
英台2012-11-05 19:52:35
playdoh22012-11-05 21:25:12
在城里2012-11-10 21:54:33
这个用python + Selenium 就解决了。见代码:
在城里2012-11-10 21:57:07