色大胆小2013-04-17 14:55:40

看见TTY在用Tru Sim,就去它的网上看了一下,http://www.truphone.com/en-GB/Products/ 好象在美国可以免费接收短信


non usage of the sim for 6 months it will automatically be deactivated and the remaining balance will be forfeited. An account maintenance fee of $2 or 3 GBP will be observed. Also what you can do is atleast try to send an sms once in a while so that it will reflect on our end that you are still using the sim lets say in a span of 3 months.


Call landlines cost per minute: $ 0.15

Call mobiles cost per minute: $ 0.15

Receive calls cost per minute: $ 0.15

Send a text cost per message: $ 0.10

Receive a text cost per message: FREE

Data per MB: $ 0.15






How much does it cost to access the voicemail?
Your Lycamobile Voicemail service has been automatically activated. To access your voicemail from your Lycamobile in the US dial 121 (or 91#). Calls to access the voicemail are absolutely free.

Does Lycamobile charge taxes on my order? 
All charges are inclusive of tax. However, there may be required sales and similar taxes that are required by the state and are charged by the retailer where you purchased your Lycamobile products. There may also be various federal and state fees that Lycamobile must collect or that Lycamobile must pay as part of regulatory requirements that Lycamobile may pass on to its customers.

Lycamobile 的用户有人反映常有垃圾短信,这个比较头痛,每收到一条垃圾短信要花费$0.04。他们的客户服务也没有好的解决办法,不过似乎可以关闭短信功能:

How can I stop receiving unwanted texts or SPAM?  
When you receive a text from a company you have not given your number to, this is called SPAM. Unfortunately, Lycamobile is unable to prevent you from receiving these unwanted messages, unless you want to ban all text messaging. These companies have sophisticated ways of obtaining cell phone numbers. One way to avoid SPAM is to be careful about what sites you give your cell number to.


色大胆小2013-04-17 15:00:36
注:这是把我去年发的一个贴更新,将 Trusim 与Lycamobile 比较了一下。
姚言2013-04-17 15:45:29
色大胆小2013-04-17 15:49:21
Sorry, I am in the US. Don't know about Canada
123泛政治化2013-04-17 16:09:08
把lyca连到google oice
色大胆小2013-04-17 16:11:48
enchanted2013-04-17 17:17:16
Mobilicity, 7-11 speak-out, with prepaid plan, all free for rece
sandanke2013-04-18 04:17:46
sandanke2013-04-18 04:27:05
在欧洲时也是接电话收短信都免费,打美国12c,短信20c。真是too good to be true! :)
色大胆小2013-04-18 12:25:09
在欧洲时接电话NOT免费, 收短信免费
sandanke2013-04-18 21:27:21
色大胆小2013-04-19 12:34:18
About a week
sandanke2013-04-19 17:34:31