Dr-Doctor2004-03-12 04:26:41
打过几次电话给 technician,让俺 turn off computer, disconnect line from computer, wait for 30 seconds, then reconnnect the dsl line to computer, then restart computer; delete cookies, delete files from internet options, move speakers 2 feet away from computer, etc.

But the speed is still very slow after I did all the above. The a technitian asked me to test the speed on internet. The test results (repeated several times) were as following:

the needle (the speed indicator?) moved between 0-40 kps for download; and the needle moved between 0-56 kps;

the final test results are:
download speed was 225 kps and upload speed 130 kps.

DSL is supposed to be 20 times faster than regular phone line, right? How come my DSL is not much faster than regular phone line?

Can you guys understand what I am talking about?

Is there anyway that DSL speed can be improved some?

Thanks in advance for any answers!

二楼楼长2004-03-12 04:37:58
助人快乐之本2004-03-12 04:42:56
yanon2004-03-12 08:19:30
KBps or kbps? It makes a huge
Submariner2004-03-12 11:36:50
Aside from your distance to CO