Hope_20072013-06-07 20:00:30
ITALKBB用了几年,包月的计划,一年3百多,嫌贵。听说有Magic Jack, 30天试用,就订了一个,刚寄到。今天ITALKBB到期,或停或再包一年。想听听各位的建议?还是有别的推荐?
wooddiy2013-06-07 20:37:50
4.99 per month? or OOMA?
Hope_20072013-06-07 20:43:09
Thanks! OOMA has really good review. Magic Jack got 40% 5 star a
slow_quick2013-06-08 00:09:43
用obi100+google voice
Hope_20072013-06-08 03:29:05
longtermInvestor2013-06-08 04:03:40
yes, port in your number to google voice
longtermInvestor2013-06-08 04:03:40
yes, port in your number to google voice
Hope_20072013-06-08 04:17:55