slow_quick2013-10-30 04:34:47
大家不用改自己的dial plan, 等着Aaron改他的C#程序吧。好像是小问题,改几个代码就行了。希望明天一早就修好。Aaron在澳大利亚,比美国早14-16小时。

Re: Could not find GALX key on your Google Voice pre-login p

Postby sw231 » Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:46 pm

Hi Aaron,
I guess in the pre-login page, Google inserted a [type="hidden"] in the
<input name="GALX" value="xxxxxx"> item
the new one looks like
<input name="GALX" type="hidden"

In the method
private string Login(string emailAddress, string password)

you are trying to match name="GALX" value="xxxxxx":
Match galxMatch = Regex.Match(galxResponseFromServer, @"name=""GALX""\s+?value=""(?<galxvalue>.*?)""");
slow_quick2013-10-30 14:03:50
egame2013-10-30 16:42:07
This is great. Thank you.