色大胆小2014-06-02 13:06:58

当初跟着TTY买了Trusim, 后来因为又发现了Lycamobile, 在美国用优势比Trusim大多了,所以主要就在用Lycamobile。( 详情参见2012年的这篇 http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/13881/201204/16144.html

不过这个周末收到 Trusim 的通知,他们下调了价格,由原来的$0.15/分钟加税,降到$0.09/分钟加税。虽然跟Lycamobile 的$0.02/分钟还是没法比,但它有其他方面的优势,最大的优势是如果经常出国,不用老换电话。


We’ve got some great news. From July 1st 2014, to make it easier for you to use your phone around the world, we will be reducing and simplifying our rates for prepaid customers.

With Truphone, it will be just 9c per min, MB or SMS anywhere within the Truphone Countries1.

And that’s not all, we’ll also be reducing some of our other rates too. Find out about our new rates. It will also be free to receive calls within the Truphone Countries and there will be no connection fees anywhere. So you can use your phone as you want in even more countries.

Outside of the Truphone Countries, some of our rates have increased. To make sure we are being as transparent as possible, you can see which rates will be higher in our downloadable PDFs. Find out about our International rates2 and our Roaming rates3....

看来对象我这样不常打电话,但常接电话的人来说,Trusim 还有其存在的意义。


For Personal (non-business) customers:

Call: +1 (646) 360-1689

or dial 707 from any Truphone.

Email: help@truphone.com

For Truphone App support:

Email: apphelp@truphone.com

大大V2014-06-02 16:54:37
回国下了飞机就能用微信 - 我两年用了不到15美元,回国两人次
色大胆小2014-06-02 18:08:22
不幸的是,他们把在中国使用的价格上调了 :-(
大大V2014-06-02 19:55:49
微信很省数据,在中国漫游数据每MB现在也还是不到3美元 不是大问题
大大V2014-06-02 19:57:28
slow_quick2014-06-03 04:32:38
123泛政治化2014-06-03 22:45:39
jsl6092014-06-05 14:11:44
用t–mobile, 漫游data免费。打网络电话,微信都免费
W0504042014-06-05 19:43:00
t-mobile用WiFi call从国外往美国接/打免费
slow_quick2014-06-06 02:08:12