dudaan2016-01-26 04:15:07

1) Ubuntu 

Tried two versions. Both failed.

2) Lubuntu

Installed, much faster as compared to Windows 7 and 10. But with many bugs (no sound, etc.) and had to solve one by one.

3) Debian

Installation seemed successful but "no operating system is found" when restart.

4) Chromium

Extremely easy to install, no bugs, but slightly slower than Lubuntu, still faster than Windows 7 and 10.


hot_powerz2016-01-26 04:48:56
色大胆小2016-01-26 14:33:18
试试 Puppy Linux
GuoLuke22016-01-26 16:15:02
对Ubuntu server很失望,经常出莫名其妙的问题,还不如rasperberry pi
GuoLuke22016-01-26 16:18:38
Red hat不错
chinomango2016-01-26 21:03:06
hot_powerz2016-01-27 19:59:48
GuoLuke22016-01-28 23:52:44
是的,我用一个pi做FTP server, 另一个做print server
企鹅肥肥2016-01-29 03:00:59